tattoo license info

The Health Licensing Office must receive your application
a minimum of 20 days before 
you plan to tattoo.  So plan accordingly.

Hey, we’re glad you’re coming to work with us.  You may have heard that the licensing in Oregon is tricky for guest artists.  While that used to be the case, it’s now fairly straightforward. You just fill out the application, email it to the Health Licensing Office along with copies of the necessary identification and Bloodborne Pathogen certificate and your credit card* info for a $70 charge - and you’re all set.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3

  1. APPLICATION - you can download it here.

  2. IDENTIFICATION - You must provide photographic ID, and proof of age - [CLEAR SCANS, FRONT & BACK]

    • Your Driver’s License or Passport should meet both requirements. If you need further identification, please consult the list below.

      • Complete list of acceptable ID can be found here [section 6a-6o] 


Once you’ve collected all your documents email them to the Health Licensing Office:

*If you prefer to pay by check or money order you must mail your application and all other documents the old-fashioned way. 
The Health Licensing Office must receive this a minimum of 20 days prior to your first day tattooing.  Plan accordingly.

Here is their mailing address:

1430 Tandem Ave NE
Suite 180
Salem, OR 97301-2192

(503) 378-8667

Some other notes about your Temporary Tattoo License

  • It’s good for 30 consecutive days.  Cool.

  • You can renew it twice in a 12-month period.  90 days total. Also cool.